
Scenic Design

Directed by Matt Trucano
Lighting Design by Terena Wilkens
Costume Design by Larissa McConnell
Technical Direction by Matt Rightmire
Sound Design by Matt Trucano
Assistant Scenic Design by Parker Rogers
Stage Management by Wren Heiman

Anderson Theatre, Gustavus Adolphus College
February 2024

Design Concept:

Classical forms speak to the source, while modern stylizations speak to today.

Our goal was to create a world that surpasses time and location - one that feels light and airy, full of possibilities and the opportunity for growth.

With modular columns, locations magically swirl and shift at a moment's notice. When pushed together, a continuous mountain landscape is revealed, transporting us to the vastness of Wales. Strings magically part to reveal the cave, seemingly out of thin air.

Circles represent wholeness, unions new and old, life and death. Strings are the threads of life, the fabric of perception, our ability to ebb and flow.